
Pancreatic cancer occurs when cells in the pancreas grow in an abnormal and uncontrolled way, forming a tumour. A pancreatic tumour can affect the way your pancreas works, including the functioning of the exocrine and endocrine glands.

How is it diagnosed?

Pancreatic cancer rarely causes symptoms in its early stages. Symptoms may appear as the cancer grows and spreads, and can include abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting and a loss of appetite. Blood tests, scans and a biopsy are used to diagnose pancreatic cancer.

How is it treated?

Treatment for pancreatic cancer can include surgery to remove the tumour. You may also have radiotherapy, chemotherapy or other targeted drug or immunotherapy to destroy cancer cells.

Living well during treatment

You and your loved ones will face both physical and psychological challenges while you are undergoing treatment for cancer. Ramsay Cancer Care provides a holistic and integrated service, to ensure that your needs are met at every step of your treatment.

During your treatment for pancreatic cancer, you may like to access support for:

Your physical wellbeing
Your mental wellbeing
Resources & Blog

Read more about pancreatic cancer